Pregnancy & Uterine Fibroid Embolization

In many cases women who suffer from fibroids are told that they cannot fall pregnancy. Pregnancy after UFE  with title text: Uterine Fibroid Embolization is possible and there are many recorded cases of successful pregnancies. However, you as the patient should first discuss this with both your Gynecologists’ and the Interventional Radiologist.

For Your Consideration

It is important to note that UFE and pregnancy is currently a subject of international research. Ideally a myomectomy (surgical removal of uterine fibroids) is still considered the better option for women who still wish to have children. There are however many women in whom the uterine fibroids are simply too large to operate on, or myomectomy surgery is considered as too risky. In these cases, Uterine Fibroid Embolization should be discussed.